Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Wednesday, September 15, 2021


from journal Neurology

When I saw the headline, “Adding color to your plate may lower risk of cognitive decline” I was skeptical. Could it be that simple? Turns out it is, although the science behind the headline needs explanation. Dr. Walter Willett, of Harvard University, led the study in the journal Neurology. With a database of nearly seventy-five thousand adults over more than twenty years, they showed people eating at least one-half serving a day of foods high in flavonoids, like strawberries, oranges and apples may lower their risk of cognitive decline by twenty percent. Dr. Willett notes mounting evidence suggesting flavonoids are powerful nutrients to prevent a decline in thinking skills as we get older. The study results are exciting because simple changes to our diets can gain that benefit.
