Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Friday, August 12, 2016


from journal PLOS Medicine

Exercise is good for us. But one study from Denmark shows how one form of exercise is especially effective in preventing type 2 diabetes. The study recruited more than fifty thousand adults to engage in habitual bicycling. Five years later they were re-assessed. People who took up habitual cycling during that time were twenty percent less likely to have type 2 diabetes than non-cyclists. Cycling can be included as activity even for people who lack time or resources to engage in some other physical activities. Given that the participants were between fifty and sixty-five, the researchers wrote in a special edition of the journal PLOS Medicine that even when entering our mature years, it is not too late to take up cycling to lower the risk of chronic disease.
