Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Thursday, July 24, 2014


from York University

Do you feel you exercise more than enough? A study of young and middle-age people suggests they underestimate the intensity of physical activity required to get health benefits. A study by Canada’s York University recruited sedentary adults between eighteen and sixty-four, without regard to gender, ethnicity or weight. They walked or jogged on a treadmill at speeds they felt corresponded to light, moderate or vigorous physical activity. Light activity was correctly estimated, but the volunteers underestimated how hard they needed to work to achieve moderate or vigorous activity. Moderate activity should push heart rates to sixty-four to seventy-six percent of their maximum heart rate based on physical activity guidelines. Your healthcare professional should be able to provide guidance about which level of activity is appropriate for you, your age and physical condition.
