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Kenton, OH 43326
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


from Science Translational Medicine

Acne, one of the most common skin diseases, is fueled by a usually harmless bacterium that colonizes human skin. Too much vitamin B12 has long been known to trigger acne flare-ups in some people. A new study explains that vitamin B12 alters activity of skin bacteria, specifically the bacterium that causes acne. Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that comes from food like meat and dairy, and is also common in vitamin supplements. UCLA researchers collected skin microbial samples from people with acne and those with healthy skin. Giving vitamin B12 to those with clear skin resulted in bacterium levels similar to acne patients—and one of those with clear skin broke out with acne within a week. The message? Got acne? Lay off the B-12. The study appears in Science Translational Medicine.
