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Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


from journal Clinical Cancer Research

Adequate levels of vitamin D contribute to our health in a variety of ways, but a recent study from Northwestern University and the University of Illinois at Chicago provides what may be the first look at vitamin D in avoiding aggressive prostate cancer. The researchers examined data from a diverse group of more than six hundred men who had elevated PSA levels in their blood or other risk factors for prostate cancer. Each was screened for vitamin D deficiency. The authors of the article in the journal Clinical Cancer Research say they were surprised to find that vitamin D deficiency seemed to be a predictor of aggressive forms of prostate cancer in African-American and European-American men, even after considering other factors, such as diet, smoking habits, obesity and family history. They it is a good idea to get blood levels of vitamin D checked yearly, since unless it is severe, vitamin D deficiency has few symptoms.
