Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015


from Oregon State University

Statins look promising in preventing heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems in people over the age of seventy-five. But Oregon State University researcher Michelle Odden says there are concerns about potential side effects of statins. Her study is in Annals of Internal Medicine. An estimated forty percent of those over seventy-five are already taking statins. The question was should statins be routinely given to older adults who are not already taking them to prevent heart attacks, strokes or other events that can affect quality of life and drive up health care costs. Side effects in some people could be muscle weakness or possible cognitive impairment. She says as people live longer and healthier lives, efforts to prevent cardiovascular disease may need to be adjusted to reflect the differences that come with age.
