Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Monday, April 23, 2018


from journal Neurology

Here is another of the many reasons to be physically fit. A long-term study of women started at an average age of fifty. They were initially tested for their peak cardiovascular capacity, then categorized as highly fit, medium fitness or low fitness. Over the next forty-four years the women were tested for dementia six times. During that time five percent of the highly fit women developed dementia compared to nearly one-third of the least fit. Compared to moderately fit women, those with highest fitness were nearly ninety percent less likely to develop dementia. When highly fit women did develop dementia, it was an average of eleven years later than women who were moderately fit. The study appears in the journal Neurology, from the American Academy of Neurology.
