Hardin Memorial Hospital921 E. Franklin St.
Kenton, OH 43326
419 673 0761

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Friday, November 10, 2017


from United European Gastroenterology

Long-term use of aspirin may reduce risk of digestive cancers. A European study of more than six hundred thousand people showed a forty-seven percent lower risk of liver and esophageal cancers, thirty-eight percent reduction in incidence of gastric cancer, thirty-four percent lower incidence of pancreatic cancer and twenty-four percent lower incidence of colon cancer. Even reductions in leukemia, lung and prostate cancers were observed by researchers. This study was presented to the United European Gastroenterology event in Barcelona. While aspirin is readily available without prescription for pain relief, long-term use may have side effects for some people and is a topic that should be discussed with your doctor.
