Fairview Range Medical Center750 East 34th St.
Hibbing , MN 55746

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016


from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health

How long do you want to live? A survey of more than sixteen hundred adults between eighteen and sixty-four has some interesting answers. Researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health say one-third would like to reach into eighties, which is about the average life expectancy. One quarter of those surveyed would like to live into their nineties and beyond. But about one in six said they preferred to die before reaching average life expectancy. Researchers say those with fewer negative feelings about old age preferred to live longer. First author Catherine Bowen says people who embrace a better-to-die-young attitude may be selling themselves short—really- -underestimating their ability to cope with age-related life experiences.
