Fairview Range Medical Center750 East 34th St.
Hibbing , MN 55746

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Monday, March 09, 2015


from American Heart Association journal, Circulation

If taking one pill a day would help you avoid heart disease, would you? An astounding study from the American Heart Association journal, Circulation suggests one in three of us would risk a shorter life rather than take just one pill a day. The study, from the University of California San Francisco and University of North Carolina surveyed a thousand people with an average age of fifty. More than eight percent were willing to trade as much as two years of life to avoid a daily pill for cardiovascular disease. Another twenty-one percent would trade between a week and a year of their lives. The survey questions were hypothetical and the answers came after being assured there would be no cost—or side effects. If you’re keeping track, that leaves about seventy percent of us unwilling to give up any weeks or years just to avoid a daily pill.
