Fairview Range Medical Center750 East 34th St.
Hibbing , MN 55746

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015


from Lund University and University of Bristol

Coffee may help protect against a recurrence of breast cancer. Confirmation of that comes from the same teams of researchers in Sweden and Britain who first published their study two years ago. The follow-up study provides more details that coffee inhibits the growth of tumors and reduces the risk of recurrence in women diagnosed with breast cancer and treated with the drug tamoxifen. Results suggest women treated with tamoxifen who drank at least two cups of coffee a day had only one-half the risk of recurrence as those who drank less coffee or none at all. Substances in coffee, especially caffeine, may turn off the mechanism cancer cells require to grow. While the researchers at Lund University and University of Bristol emphasize the importance of taking prescribed medication, they say coffee appears to reinforce the effect of tamoxifen.
